Our Organization
The Accounting & Financial Women’s Alliance (AFWA), formerly the American Society of Women Accountants (ASWA), was formed in 1938 to increase the opportunities for women in accounting. From our first chapter in Indianapolis, we have grown to over 100 chapters nationwide. The Central New York Chapter #29 was established in 1951 and our members are as diverse as the organization they represent.
Members hail from national and local CPA firms, private industry, academia and government. They hold a variety of positions which include partners, CFOs, financial analysts, and staff accountants. We also welcome members from related financial fields such as benefits consultants and financial planners.
History speaks to the career obstacles that were encountered by women accountants in the WWII era. Many colleges would not accept women in day classes, and CPA firms faced adversity from clients when sending out women auditors. Today, professional women benefit from the great strides made by our predecessors, but we still struggle with some of the old challenges and some new ones as well. In today’s business environment, where technology steadily replaces face to face communication, opportunities for honing interpersonal skills are diminishing.
AFWA provides a forum for members to develop management, leadership and interpersonal skills, differentiating themselves in today’s workplace. In addition, AFWA supports today’s professional woman in achieving work/life balance by providing a network that allows members to benefit from each other’s expertise, allowing them to work smarter instead of harder. Finally, AFWA provides a network of support which enables and empowers our members to take the risks necessary to realize their full professional and personal potential.
Our Mission
The mission of AFWA is to enable women in all accounting and related fields to achieve their full personal, professional and economic potential and to contribute to the future development of their profession.